Come Share The Magic of Reading

Reading is one of the greatest joys in life, the pure magic of storytelling on paper. And what better way to share the magic than to write?
And for readers, this is the best of times. You can enjoy your favorite stories on paper or through your digital readers. You can even go back to the fun of being read to, through audiobooks.
All of my books are available on paper and in digital format, and I've now joined the audiobook age. All four books in the Laura's Dash Series, She Survives, Strive and Protect, Desperate Choices, and Her Triumph as well as Tom Flynn, Medium & Healer are available in audio format as well.
Samati Press released two new books, Her Triumph and Morphers and Mayhem, in both paperback and digital. Her Triumph is the fourth and last book in the Laura's Dash series, while Morphers and Mayhem, by author Berta Davis, is the first Sci-Fi book Samati Press has published.
My most recent book: Missing Pieces, Creating the Laura's Dash Series
This book gives an in-depth look at the evolution of the Laura's Dash series, spanning the turbulent years from 1903 to 1966.
Launched on July 8th, 2024
Missing Pieces reveals many of the key events that took place in the four books of the Laura's Dash series, as wll as more information on characters, both factual and fictional. it also provides inside information about which characters and events were made and why they were created,
The large, rectangular "Buy Now from Amazon" button below will take you to Amazon for purchasing your copy of Missing Pieces. Just to the right of the Amazon button is a "PayPal Purchase" button, which will take you to PayPal for your order. Books purchased through PayPal are autographed and shipped directly from me to you. Please note that the price from either venue is $11.99, plus shipping. If you purchase through PayPal the price includes any California sales taxes. If you live outside of the U.S., the additional costs of International shipping will have to be added on after you place your initial order, since there is such a huge variance.
Animal Rescue


To find out more about each book, click on the cover to go to the page where it is listed. There you will find a complete description and links for purchasing. You will also find information on the other published books in the category, as well as books that are in the works.