Come Share The Magic of Reading
Fiction Books
Available in paperback and kindle formats. All of the books are also available in audiobooks, through ACX and Audible .

Launched in May, 2018
Laura was born in Indian Territory #6, in a sod house outside of what is now Ardmore, Oklahoma. Her mother, a full-blood Cherokee, died when Laura was only three years old. Her oldest sister, Ruth, just twelve, suddenly had to take on all of their mother's responsibilities for the children and household. Their father was a vicious, abusive man who taught his children to be ashamed of their heritage.
Laura was born with a caul, believed to forecast the gift of "second sight." Laura's intuitive abilities started to manifest shortly after her mother died when she would feel her mother's presence and hear her humming. Unfortunately, being intuitive in the early 1900s in Oklahoma was considered proof of the devil's work.
This book is Historical Fiction but was inspired by a real woman, my maternal grandmother. It's my way of honoring her, and all of the other ordinary women throughout history who overcame incredible challenges.
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Launched in June, 2019
Laura was raised to hide who she was. She'd been told repeatedly to never reveal her Cherokee heritage, or the fact that she'd been attacked by her own father. And no one should ever know she had the Second sight, or they might think she was crazy or possessed.
Somehow Laura built a life on her own, married a good man who adored her, and had children, all while managing to keep her secrets. She was determined to raise her children in a home filled with love and support, rather than in an atmosphere of fear and pain like the one she'd known.
Laura's husband shared her ideals, but had demons and fears of his own from his experiences in World War I. Together they worked hard, but their best intentions were repeatedly beaten down by the realities of life during the Great Depression.
This book is a continuation of my maternal grandmother's fictionalized story. Many of the places are real, but the people and events portrayed are based on things that took place during the actual time period.
The large, rectangular "Buy Now from Amazon" button below will take you to Amazon for purchasing your copy of Strive and Protect. Just to the right of the Amazon button is a "PayPal Purchase" button, which will take you to PayPal for your order. Books purchased through PayPal are autographed and shipped directly from me to you. Please note that the price from either venue is $18.99. If you purchase through PayPal the price includes any California sales taxes. If you live outside of the U.S., the additional costs of International shipping will have to be added on after you place your initial order, since there is such a huge variance.


Launched in October, 2020
Desperate Choices is Book three of the Laura's Dash Series. The first book covered Laura's hardscrabble upbringing and her escape from a vicious, abusive father. In the second book, we followed her life as an adult, wife, and mother coping with the Great Depression. Desperate Choices brings new challenges when Laura's husband has a mental breakdown and is committed to an insane asylum. Laura has to survive with no support from her husband, no help from a community that stigmatizes people with a mental disorder, and a world caught up in fears of a new world war. Somehow she must nurture and protect her children, while holding on to hope for their future.
This book is a continuation of my maternal grandmother's fictionalized story. Many of the places are real, but the people and events portrayed are based on things that took place during the actual time period.
The large, rectangular "Buy Now from Amazon" button below will take you to Amazon for purchasing your copy of Desperate Choices. Just to the right of the Amazon button is a "PayPal Purchase" button, which will take you to PayPal for your order. Books purchased through PayPal are autographed and shipped directly from me to you. Please note that the price from either venue is $18.99. If you purchase through PayPal the price includes any California sales taxes. If you live outside of the U.S., the additional costs of International shipping will have to be added on after you place your initial order, since there is such a huge variance.
Launched in December, 2021
Her Triumph is the fourth and last book in the Laura’s Dash Series. The first book covered Laura's hardscrabble upbringing and her escape from a vicious, abusive father. In the second book, we followed her life as an adult, wife, and mother coping with the Great Depression. The third book brought new challenges when Laura's husband had a mental breakdown and was committed to an insane asylum, leaving Laura to fend for herself and her children alone. In Her Triumph we share Laura’s struggles to raise her children to adulthood in a world with little respect or resources for families torn apart by hardships beyond their control, and her anguish and pain when the country is again caught up in war in both Korea and World War II. Her Triumph chronicles Laura’s children’s growth into strong, successful adults inspired by their mother’s love and example. And we see Laura, after years of selfless struggle, finally able to find confidence in herself and her gifts.
The large, rectangular "Buy Now from Amazon" button below will take you to Amazon for purchasing your copy of Desperate Choices. Just to the right of the Amazon button is a "PayPal Purchase" button, which will take you to PayPal for your order. Books purchased through PayPal are autographed and shipped directly from me to you. Please note that the price from either venue is $18.99. If you purchase through PayPal the price includes any California sales taxes. If you live outside of the U.S., the additional costs of International shipping will have to be added on after you place your initial order, since there is such a huge variance.
What's Next For the Laura's Dash series?
Find out all about the "real" Laura and her family, complete with many photographs, in the non-fiction book about the making of the Laura series. You'll also learn which of your favorite characters are not real, and why they were created and included in the story. The title is MIssing Pieces and it was published in July 2024.