Sunday I went to church. I don't go every week, but I love to go when I can. I attend a Spiritualist Church, which means there are always spirit messages as part of the services. A message was given to a woman sitting behind me, and she started crying as soon as she heard it. The lady, whose name was Judy, told the congregation that her mother had died a couple of months ago, and she'd been having a difficult time handling her grief. She was also dealing with a lot of hurt and anger about some financial complications around her mother's passing. Judy then went on to say she'd read a book that made a huge difference. The book was about a man named Tom Flynn, a medium who lives in London. Judy said she'd tried to attend a local event where the author of the book was appearing, but had been unable to go. Since the name of the church was in the book, she decided to come to a service.
At that point, I turned around and extended my hand. "Hi Judy," I said, "I'm the author of that book, and I'm so happy it touched you." Needless to say, we talked a lot after the service was over, and

exchanged information and a big hug. And the next time Tom comes to Sacramento, I'll make sure Judy knows so she can meet him.
What are the chances that this woman would come to church on a day I was there, and would sit directly behind me? Actually, they're pretty good if you consider such coincidences as "spirit planning." When something is supposed to happen, somehow the universe manages to create just the right set of circumstances to bring it about. Judy needed to share her thoughts with the author of Tom's book. And meeting her was a wonderful affirmation that Tom's book is changing lives. What author could ask for more?
If you're interested in learning more, you can check out Tom's story here, and can find the book on Amazon.